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Satellite images and aerial photographs offer regular coverage of the Earth's surface, but without a geographic reference, they are akin to any other images or photos. Georeferencing of these aerial and satellite images is vital as it establishes a geographic reference within the visuals. This process links the internal coordinate system of the images to a well-defined geographic coordinate system.

Georeferencing of both aerial and satellite imagery is essential for extracting meaningful information from these visuals. The resulting location reference plays a crucial role in all spatial analytics, enabling insights into the ever-changing dynamic activities that occur on the Earth's surface.

The general process flow for georeferencing aerial and satellite imagery remains similar, with some specific requirements for each georectification process. Establishing the Ground Control Point (GCP) Network System holds significant importance in both cases. Additionally, it is a crucial step in generating 3D city models derived from stereo images. Accurate georeferencing ensures the reliability and precision of the data used for various applications, allowing us to make informed decisions and gain valuable insights about our environment.

When georeferencing aerial imagery, the GCP Network (GCN) typically requires a larger number of Ground Control Points (GCPs) compared to georeferencing satellite images. This difference arises due to the very high ground sampling resolution of aerial images, which can reach as low as 2-3 cm. In contrast, the highest resolution of satellite images to date is 30 cm.

From determining the optimal combination of primary, secondary, and tertiary points required for each project to setting up the desired GCN, our georeferenced products consistently meet international quality benchmarks and deliver exceptional accuracy. Our expertise ensures that the georeferencing process results in precise and reliable spatial data, enabling a wide range of applications and analysis with utmost confidence.

georeferencing in remote sensing and GIS sample
georeferencing aerial imagery

Our in-house multi-tier quality assurance and quality control system guarantees that the georeferenced aerial and satellite image products not only meet but exceed the project needs and accuracy requirements.

Georeferencing aerial imagery and satellite imagery demands varying levels of accuracy, and our skilled team excels in producing high-quality, accurately georeferenced products for both types of imagery.The high demand for precise and reliable georeferenced products in these sectors is a testament to the quality and timeliness of our deliverables. We take pride in consistently providing exceptional geospatial data that meets the stringent standards of these critical sectors.

Geo-referencing goes beyond mere conversion of hard copies into digital format. To enable accurate analysis and modeling, spatial data must be correctly assigned geographic coordinates. At MASSS, we provide a comprehensive range of registration techniques to ensure precise geo-referencing for all types of data sets.

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