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Data Conversion

Geospatial data is acquired from different platforms and comes in various formats, necessitating constant data conversions to ensure interoperability. The demand for cost-efficient and effective GIS data conversion services is consistently high, as it enables the conversion of GIS datasets from one format to another, eliminating the need for recreating data.

Incorporating geographical content into diverse sectors like telecom, electric utilities, retail, oil & gas, real estate, banking, and insurance is becoming increasingly prevalent. Therefore, outsourcing GIS data conversion has emerged as the preferred choice to transform hard copy data into digital formats, maximizing the benefits of available data.

Our team of highly qualified data engineers specializes in data conversion outsourcing, ensuring seamless transformation between raster and vector formats without compromising data quality and accuracy. Our services address compatibility and interoperability challenges that often arise when transferring data between various applications.

By entrusting your GIS data conversion to our reliable hands, you can rest assured that we will deliver results with compatibility across multiple software applications and solutions. Our expertise guarantees smooth data conversion across different formats, streamlining your data utilization process.

We offer a comprehensive range of data conversion outsourcing services, including:

  • Topographic map creation, basemap creation, and landbase creation.

  • Mapping of utilities and infrastructure.

  • Vectorization and digitization of spatial data.

  • Georectification and georeferencing to ensure accurate alignment with geographical coordinates.

  • Raster and vector editing for refining and enhancing data.

  • Digital image processing and image classification to extract valuable insights from imagery.

  • LiDAR data processing and conversion, harnessing the power of laser technology for accurate data representation.

  • Data integration services to combine and harmonize diverse datasets.

  • Aerial data capture and processing for high-resolution spatial information.

  • Drone data capture and processing, utilizing drone technology for efficient data collection.

  • With our expertise in these services, we ensure that your geospatial data is transformed, enhanced, and integrated seamlessly to meet your specific requirements.

different layer of mapping in remote sensing and GIS sample
Digitized in remote sensing and GIS sample

Outsourcing data conversion projects goes beyond being a mere service; it involves fostering partnerships and establishing enduring relationships. As technology continues to advance and spatial and non-spatial data technologies converge, data conversion outsourcing services now entail seamless integration and interoperability among diverse data formats and types.

In the current landscape, data conversion outsourcing services involve re-engineering data from one format to another, demanding a workforce with high proficiency in data science and engineering. This specialized skill set is essential to ensure accurate and efficient data transformation to meet the evolving needs of our clients.

One of the most valuable aspects of GIS lies in its ability to represent images digitally. At MASSS, we possess the expertise to convert physical hard copies into a wide array of electronic formats. Our integrated conversion processes can effectively transform architectural, mechanical, technical drawings, maps, and other line artwork into the desired formats, ensuring high-quality results that rival premium products.

In certain instances, the data may already exist in a digital format; however, it might not be compatible with the current system or other platforms. When data needs to be converted from one digital format to another, it is referred to as data translation. MASSS's team comprises experienced and multi-skilled specialists with extensive knowledge in converting diverse types of geospatial data. Their proficiency ensures seamless data translation and compatibility, enabling efficient data utilization across systems and applications.

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